Gause Funeral Home provides complete funeral and cremation services to Bartow, Mulberry, Bradley, Pierce, Ft. Meade and all of Central, Florida.
Funeral Directors Executives of Gause Funeral Home Inc
President, George Sabb Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Serving the Community Since 1928 Gause Funeral Home had its beginnings in Wilmington, North Carolina the home of its founders, George Henry and Marie Freeman Gause. George Henry Gause, Sr. had a successful business in Wilmington as a construction architect helping to design naval ships. He also owned a funeral home and a local grocery store. However, he suffered with coronary disease and his doctor recommended that he pursue less stressful jobs or reduce his work load. After conferring with friends and family members, he decided to relocate to Florida and open a funeral home there. He was encouraged by an uncle living in St. Petersburg, to join him there. Upon moving to Florida, he learned that an opportunity to open a new business existed in Bartow, so he moved his family 40 miles west of St. Petersburg to the small welcoming community of Bartow. In 1928, Gause Funeral Home was born. Gause Funeral Home was well received by the Polk county community. Its early success was attributed to the founders embracing the community, having compassion for the needs of families during their time of bereavement, and by developing the business skills needed in this industry. Unfortunately, in 1933, George Henry Gause died leaving his wife, and four children, namely Annette, Bernice, and twins Evelyn and George Gause, Jr. After the death of her husband the surviving founder, Marie Freeman Gause took the helms of this family owned business . During those early years, she was assisted by local funeral directors in the Bartow area. In later years, twins George Henry and Evelyn Marie Gause assisted their mother in the operation of the business. Both were very active in the community. George H. Gause attended Florida A & M University and the Atlanta College of Mortuary Science. He married Alve Jones, and was the father of Joyce Gause Thurman and Beverly Davis. His sister, Evelyn maintained a career with Central Life Insurance Company for over 43 years. She represented this company in most of the cities of Polk County, including Wauchula, Ft.Meade, Bowling Green, and Bartow. Evelyn married Isaiah
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Gause Funeral Home Inc. in Bartow you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1930
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