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Cataloxy Crescent City...Companies in Crescent CityBusiness ServicesServices to businessesPatent and trade mark agentsLifestyle Brands, Inc.

Lifestyle Brands


Marie Hanson Massage Therapy of Ossipee, nh offers therapeutic and restorative treatments designed to reduce pain, stress and stiffness with the goal of improving overall health.

Patent Owners & Lessors The President of Lifestyle Brands, Inc. is Wesley Morris Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Marie Hanson Massage Therapy offers therapeutic and restorative treatments designed to reduce pain, stress and stiffness with the goal of improving overall health. Marie specializes in Deep Tissue, Injury Rehabilitation, and Medical Massage. She focuses on working with individuals experiencing tension or pain, those who are working through an injury and people who are in need of maintenance massage.
Marie has a detailed understanding of anatomy & physiology and will craft a session tailored to your needs, focusing on the areas experiencing discomfort as well as on other areas that might be contributing to your symptoms. She strives to identify the source of your pain or tension and to treat it effectively in a calming and relaxing environment. Every session has the goal of bringing you relief. Whether you are suffering from low back pain, neck and shoulder tension, sports-related tightness or injuries, computer-related pain, chronic headaches, stress or anxiety, or one of many other symptoms of discomfort, Marie would love the opportunity to help you on your path to being healthier and pain-free!
Call (603) 973-6970 to find out how she can help you. Visits to her new office space at Mountainside Business Center in Ossipee are welcome.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Lifestyle Brands in Crescent City you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 192 Beulah Church Rd
32112, Crescent City, Florida

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occupational, massage, injury rehabilitation, effingham, bodywork, sports massage, new hampshire, therapist, carroll county
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