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Cataloxy Dade City...Companies in Dade CityEducation, Training & OrganizationsMedical care, social servicesCemeteries, crematoria and funeral directorsColeman & Ferguson Funeral Hm.

Coleman & Ferguson Funeral Hm., Dade City

Hodges Family Funeral provides complete funeral services to the local community.

Funeral Directors Executives of Coleman & Ferguson Funeral Hm
Owner, Randy Bush Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Michael Hodges is a licensed funeral director and embalmer, and lives in Dade City. Michael has two children, Courtney, and Michael. A Texas native, Michael was a medic in the Air Force during Vietnam and continued in the medical profession after his honorable discharge in 1974. He was the Technical Director of Anesthesiology Research for the University of Utah, Ohio State University and the University of South Florida. He established Hodges Family Funeral Home in 1999 in its present location, at the corner of Church & Fifth Street in Dade City. Our business number in Dade City is 352-567-0000, Zephyrhills 813-788-6100, which is answered day and night by a funeral director, as we believe that families need to speak to a caring individual, not an answering service. Michael is a member of the Florida Funeral Directors Association; Former Member of the Board of Directors and Treasurer, Habitat for Humanity 2000-2004; Dade City Rotary Club, Rotary Club Treasurer, 2000-2002; Chamber of Commerce, Dade City; Chamber of Commerce, Zephyrhills; Chamber of Commerce of Wesley Chapel; Former member, Board of Directors, and Treasurer, Downtown Main street, City of Dade City; former member of the Board of Directors for Gulfside Regional Hospice; Pasco County Fair Association; former member of the RAC Board of Dade City (2008-2009) and is a member of the Republican Party of Pasco County Executive Committee. He was a former member of the Code Enforcement Board, City of Dade City and the Citizen's Advisory Planning Board, City of Dade City; Michael primarily serves families in the Dade City Chapel. Hodges Family Funeral Home was founded by Michael Hodges in 1999 in Downtown Dade City. Our 5th street location is the original Hodges Family Funeral Home. In 2004 the 301 and 54 locations (formally Oakley Funeral home) were added. Hodges Family Funeral Home has been family owned and operated since the inception. Our Values are to serve our families with compassion and empathy and to help families during these difficult times with our professional staff.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Coleman & Ferguson Funeral Hm. in Dade City you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 2007

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 Address: 11441 Us Highway 301
33525, Dade City, Florida

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grief, pre-plan, plan ahead, cremation, pre-arrange, pre-need, funeral planning, arrangements, funeral home
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