Chemcel Federal Credit Union has been serving the families of Celanese employees since 1951. We offer a full range of financial services to members including loans, savings, investments, checking accounts, cash teller, ATM, Mastercard
Credit Unions The Owner of Sweet Dream Quilts is Cynthia Chamberla Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Chemcel Federal Credit Union has been serving the families of Celanese employees since 1951. As time went by, we began offering our services to contractors working at the Celanese sites as well as their families. Now, Chemcel FCU is able to serve residents living, working, worshipping and/or attending school in Jim Wells, Kleberg and Nueces Counties as well.
Over the years we’ve seen remarkable changes, improvements, and growth in the way we provide financial assistance to our members. Although we began humbly, we are now a strong, full-service financial institution.
Co-operative banks
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Sweet Dream Quilts in Englewood you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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