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Companies USA Companies in the state of Florida
Cataloxy San Antonio...Companies in San AntonioIT, Internet, R&DTechnical offices and engineering consultancies, architectsGeological, geotechnical, geochemical engineering consultantsD C Johnson And Associates Inc.

D C Johnson And Associates Inc.

DC Johnson & Associates

Surveying Services The President of D C Johnson And Associates Inc. is Chris Xynedes Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : D. C. Johnson & Associates, Inc. was established in 1980 with the goal of providing land surveying services to specifically meet the needs of professionals involved in land acquisition and development.
We began with a specialized focus on a small number of clients primarily involved in subdivision design and development; design professionals such as engineers, architects, planners, project developers and investors. As we increased staff, we increased our client base to include site improvement contractors and builders for whom we provide a wide range of construction staking and survey services. We now provide services in any survey related area, including but not limited to real estate transfer and mortgage surveys, flood zone determination or modification surveys, title review and mapping and other survey related consulting or expert witness services.
In addition to our private sector clients, we also provide services to government entities including municipalities, counties and the State of Florida.
Since the early 1990

Don't forget that the most detailed information about D C Johnson And Associates Inc. in San Antonio you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 11911 Curley St
33576, San Antonio, Florida

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